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Q: Do they still make playstation 1 games?
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Does Sony still make the PlayStation 1 and the games?

Yes, ps2 games are still being made. I am not sure when ps2 games are not going to be made anymore.

Are PlayStation 1 games still being sold?


Can a PlayStation 1 play PlayStation 3 games?

You can not play PlayStation 3 games on a PlayStation 1, but you can play PlayStation 1 games on a PlayStation 3. All of the PlayStation consoles are backwards compatible.

Can you play PlayStation 2 games on PlayStation 1?

No you can not it is not compatible for the playstation 1

How can I play PS1 games from the PSN store full screen on my PSP?

PlayStation 1 games cannot be purchased in the PSN store, so therefore cannot be played on a PlayStation Portable. If you meant for PlayStation 1 to be PlayStation 3, you still cannot do so. It must be specified for the console.

Do PlayStation two games work on the PlayStation one?

no, but you can play playstation 1 games on a ps2

Do they make the games any more for playstation 1?

no ps1 OS old

Can a person play playstation 2 games on playstation?

Yes a person can play playstation games on a playstation 2 .i have a playstation 2 and i can play ps 1 games on it.

What else can you play PlayStation games on?

you can only play playstation games on PlayStation 1, 2 and 3

Can you play PlayStation 2 games on a PlayStation 1?


Can you use a PlayStation 2 game on PlayStation 1?

No. You can play Legitimate PS1 games on a chipped PS2, but you cannot play PlayStation 2 Games on a PlayStation 1.

What games do they make for PlayStation 1?

They really don't make them, and in most stores don't even sell them anymore (not counting used games). They stopped making new ones a while back, as the PlayStation 1 is unfortunately outdated.