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Yes, almost all electronic stores (Best Buy, Gamestop, Future Shop) and online websites (Amazon, eBay) still sell Wii games. However, many Wii games will not be sold because they have been discontinued. However, rarer games would be sold at a higher price.

Big games such as Mario Kart Wii, Super Mario Galaxy and Super Smash Bros Brawl will still be sold at retailers with standard pricing

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Stores online and offline that sell games for the Nintendo Wii include Walmart, Best Buy, Future Shop, Target, Toys R Us, EB Games, and Amazon. One may look around for various deals in flyers before going out to buy a Nintendo Wii.

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Does the Nintendo Wii still support Virtual Console?

Yes, you can still download games Virtual Console games from the Wii shop and play it on the Nintendo Wii.

How much should you sell a Wii that has Super Mario 64 Kid icarus Sonic the hedgehog2 Legend of Zelda and Castlevania on virtual console?

Sell each of the games and the system separately, or add what the used price would be from game stores of all of those games and the Wii and maybe make it cheaper than that.

How do you get a Wii?

Local Stores (If them sell them), and sites like Ebay, that sell game systems and other things.