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of course not video fames can harm your brain it could cause murder doing cray stunts

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Q: Do scientist think that video games are good for your brains?
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Do video games kill your brains cells?

No they do not. They do have addictive qualities though, which can be unhealthy.

Cold play song in video he walks backwards?

the scientist i think

What do you think about Saturday?

video games

How do zombies attack?

Zombies attack by feeding on human brains. In many video games and films, (e.g. call of duty WAW: Nazi zombies) they are seen using physical violence. Before this, the story was zombies fed on peoples brains. So you can choose which choice you think zombies attack!

Does video games make kids dumb?

No, some video games actually make you smarter like Minecraft. It is all about building and takes survival skills to play. Some moms think video games rot your brain. Kids think video games are awesome and fun. That is also what I think.

How does technology affect movies and video games?

Think Think Think.

Why are you so bad at video games?

Because of the average rate of thinking required for a video game, some people's brains just aren't hard wired to perform such tasks.

What do you think of video games?

I think they're great! :)

Are violent video games appropriate?

Of coure there is violence in video games! Many video games have violence in it, including call of duty.

Are video games art?

I think so.

Why can't people play video games at school?

Because teachers think that video games are stupid. They didn't even have even half as fun video games when they were kids.

Why do you think people play video games?

to have fun!