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no,youmust use a hm

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Q: Do fearow learn fly by just leveling up in Pokemon?
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Do Pokemon learn moves when equipped with a exp share?

Yes , of course they do . its just like leveling them up normally

How do you get scary face on Pokemon Soul Silver?

varios Pokemon can learn it throught the game tought leveling up Correction soulsilver just under a week old you can seach for all the Pokemon that can learn by seaching it with your enternet search engines

What Pokemon learn shadow ball?

Banet learns it by leveling it up. Also if u have the TM metagross Gardevior and just about every psychic can.

What Pokemon can learn solarbeam Pokemon emerald?

all grass pokemon and some other type pokemon like groudon. thats if uses TM. if you mean learn solarbeam by leveling than its groudon. grass type is weak so not worth training just to get solarbeam

What is the best strategy for leveling up Pokemon?

Make use of the VS Seeker to assist with your leveling. Or you could just train.

How does a Tranquil to a Unfezzant in Pokemon black?

Just keep leveling him up and Ta-Da! Unfezant.

How do you get a level 100 on Diamond?

you just have to keep leveling up your pokemon. Try different areas that fit your pokemon's level. Hoped this helped!!

How do you evolve water Pokemon with water stone?

you use it, assuming you have a Pokemon that requires a water stone to evolve instead of just simply leveling.

What level does clefable learn metranome in Pokemon Yellow?

Clefable does not learn Metronome via leveling up. In order to get metronome you must have Clefairy learn it at lvl 31, then use the Moon Stone to evolve into Clefable. In Generation I (Red, Blue, Green and Yellow), you can, however, teach Clefable Metronome from TM 35. TM 35 is obtained at the Pokemon Research Lab which is the building just south of the Pokemon Mansion on Cinnabar Island.

How do you evolve Golett on Pokemon Black?

Just by leveling up. Golett evolves into Golurk starting at Level 43.

What level does Lileep evolve on in Pokemon Ruby?

It evolves at level 40 so just keep leveling your lileep!

Do all Pokemon have to be happy to evolve?

No, various Pokemon need stones, some evolve with certain items, some in a trade, or some just by leveling up.