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Q: Do computer games help the mind?
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How does computer games help?

some computer games can be educational but others invovle sexual acts that are not for kids

How can you play n64 games on your computer?

yes you can with a emulator but keep in mind its illegal

How do hadheld games help you on learning?

They keep your mind and senses sharp. That being said, all games help you on learning.

Do computer games actually help you?

Depend on what kind of games you play. You think when you play strategy games.

How can you get help from internet?

You can get help from computer by getting informations and communicating. You can also get help by making you fun.-games

What are the good effects of computer games?

They can help de-stress you and help with hand eye coordination

Are AARP games made to sharpen the mind?

Yes, AARP does have games to help preserve or sharpen mental accuity. Studies have shown that games which challenge critical thinking help preserve memory.

Can you upgrade your igloo if you have a club penguin trainer?

CP TRAINER!? ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR MIND!? THEY CAN STEAL DATA AND FILES FROM YOUR COMPUTER!!! Plus you can get arrested, because hacking computer games is illegal.

Do violent video games help comprehension?

some helps your mind critically think on what to do next

Computer periodically freezes on games HELP?

the computer will freeze because its over loaded just let it take its time

What are some good computer help desk software programs?

There are a number of computer help desk software programs available. Some of the ones that come to mind are: IT helpdesk, free helpdesk by SysAid, Help Desk Pro, and PC Helpdesk.

Do computer games about math help on math tests?

It depends on the game,but usually yes.