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The defult chalenges do as well as the gun chalenges but, all the prestige killstreak kills and presige gun kills do not reset. Titles and emblems do not reset

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Q: Do challenges reset after you Prestige in MW2?
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Do prestige challenges reset when you prestige again in MW2?


How do you get the gold skeletons in MW2?

By finishing all prestige challenges (you find them under your normal challenges when you prestige).

What do you lose from prestiging for a 2nd time in mw2 e.g do i keep my progress in prestige challenges?

you keep prestige challenges, titles, and emblems. You lose everything else you have earned

When will MW2 ranks reset?

rank resetting is usually your own choice as in becoming prestige

Do your prestige challenges reset when you prestige on mw3?

Yes, everything in the Barracks resets besides your title, emblem, and clan tag. But if it's your first time to prestige, then you get the Challenge category "Prestige." Plus, you get two new Challenges for every weapon except the Riot Shield. Once you finish these challenges, you unlock a new title and emblem.

Fastest way to reach 10th prestige in mw2?

you should do all the easy challenges you could do

Does the spectre challenge reset after you prestige?

If a player enters Prestige Mode, every unlocked weapon, killstreaks, perks and challenges will be reset.

How CODMW2 Prestige Work?

After you reach 70 you have to get more xp to be able to prestige (around 80k xp). Every odd prestige (1,3,5,7,9) you get a new custom class. You get a new emblem and title for every prestige. You can prestige a total of 10 times. When you first prestige you gain the prestige challenges in the challenges section and prestige challenges for weapons. These prestige challenges DO NOT reset when you prestige again.

How Many times CAN you prestige in MW2?

You can Prestige in MW2 precisely 10 times.

How do you get 11th prestige on mw2?

in cod black ops there is a 15th prestige and in mw2 there is only 10 prestiges because to prestige in mw2 you have to get to level 70 but in black ops you only have to get to level 50 to prestige

What happens in cod MW2 when all challenges are completed?

Nothing really. You just obtain alot of emblems and titles. Also if you complete the "Prestige Challenges" you will obtain an animated Modern Warfare 2 tenth prestige symbol for an emblem.

How do you get 'the dragon' title in mw2?

get 50 kills with a Pavelow (9 kill streak)