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yes. You can exchange or sell your games

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Q: Do cex buy games
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Related questions

Do you need to be a member to buy games at CeX?

The Games exchange? No.

Will cex buy a contract phone?

cex sucks

Do CEX buy laser burned games?

they will for a cheaper cost, but cex also laser clean the disk for £2 your better off cleaning it, then selling it.

What is offered by the company WeBUY?

Searching for WeBuy, returns a page for a company named CeX. CeX is located in London. They buy, exchange and sell entertainment and technology products such as cell phones, cameras, video games, DVDs and computers.

Where can one purchase 'Test Drive 6'?

The game "Test Drive 6" can be purchased from a Games store such as GAME or CEX. Another option is to purchase it from on online store such as Amazon, Best Buy, or again, GAME or CEX, which also have online stores.

Where can you get good games?

at gamestation or game even cex have a go

Where to sell your used video games?

if you live in the UK CEX - change and exchange great shop to buy and sell things or if they are in good condition eBay or amazon......

Where can you buy Cod5?

I Reccomend CEX U Can Get It For £25 Or Around £50 In USA

Does Cex buy Mortal Kombat Armageddonon?

no he buys 1 gram of broccilli

How does Cex run business when movies and games disks are scratched in their shops?

They check all discs before they actually buy them, so they'll only buy the discs if they look playable. CEX stays in strong business by buying games/ DVDs and phones etc. off us at nearly half the price they would sell them, nearly doubling their cash. If a disc bought from there does not work, CEX with either replace the product or refund you. This only happens one in every 50 transactions, so they earn more money than they lose through refunds.

When was CeX created?

CeX was created in 1992.

A good games trade in website besides cex gamestation?

Just sell on amazon