if u want to just find it for ur dex go to eterna forest and there r 2 bug catchers Donald and phillip they have a burmy
The Sinnoh League Champion "Cynthia" has a Spiritomb.
Take any type of Burmy and have it battle in a city or town like area.
There is only one form of Burmy, and it changes cloaks depending on the last place it battled. It will have the Plant Cloak if it last battled outdoors, Trash Cloak if it last battled in a building, and Sandy Cloak if it last battled in a cave. But once the female Burmy evolves, it keeps the last cloak that it had forever, and bases its types off of the cloak. The cloak does not affect male Burmy or its evolution (Mothim) any any way.
yes one, if you go to harthome city and go vest out of the city there is a woman traner that has burmy.
Sorry no...... But you can catch a Burmy on honey trees though!! P.S. The Burmy has to be a boy or else it will evolve into a Wormadam Actually, an Ace Tranier on route 210 has a Mothim.
There is no Lumineon in diamond
raise any boy burmy
The Sinnoh League Champion "Cynthia" has a Spiritomb.
In the Pokemon series of video games Pearl, Diamond, and Platinum, the 45th Pokemon in the Pokedex is called Burmy. It is encountered by using the Honey item on Honey Trees, which can be found on almost any route.
use a master ball if you haven't got any u cant
Any smearable tree will do, it's just a random chance of the pokemon being a Burmy.
Im not sure but u can catch krabby during swarm.
burmy has an incredibibly small penis so he has low attack so don't get him that ain't it to get a burmy put some honey on an orange tree then come back in 9 to 10 hours and a wild Pokemon will be there it may be a burmy