Easy-Bake Oven, Erector set, Etch a Sketch and Elmo are toys. They begin with the letter E.
There are no countries in the world that begin with the letter x.
Bart SImpson, Barney the Dinosaur, Barney Miller, Barnaby Jones.
Oranges, olives and okra are fruits. They begin with the letter o.
· Uzbekistan
There are no countries in the world that begin with the letter x.
Uganda Kob, ural owl and uguisu are animals. They begin with the letter u.
Xai Xai is a city in Mozambique. It begins with the letter x.
DaBomb DeliciousCookies DaMan Dude Dinamite
Franklin Pierce and James Polk were U.S. Presidents. They names begin with the letter P.
Bart SImpson, Barney the Dinosaur, Barney Miller, Barnaby Jones.
There aren't any! Wales is the only one, however it is part of the United Kingdom.
Ugli fruit and uvilla are fruits. They begin with the letter u.
Are their any rivers or lakes that begin with the letter q in nm