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No, original XBOX controllers do not work for the Xbox 360.

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Q: Do Xbox controllers work for Xbox 360?
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Do black Xbox 360 controllers work on Xbox 360 Preimium Console?

Yes, all xbox 360 controllers work on the xbox 360. (no matter what color it is)

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Only Xbox 360 controllers will work with an Xbox 360.

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yes all xbox360 controllers are the same but if you use just a xbox not a 360 then it will not work

Do Xbox 360 controllers work on a regular Xbox?

no they do not

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If you mean the gaming controllers then yes. All the controllers work on all the consoles

Does Xbox 360 controllers work on the Xbox?

No because the Xbox 360 was made after the Xbox so the electronic's aren't the same. :/

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Unfortunately, you can only use 360 controllers with Xbox 360's, but not with the original Xbox.

Can you use Xbox controllers on PS2?

No not an Xbox or an Xbox 360 controller will work on a PS2

Do Xbox 360 elite controllers work on a regular Xbox 360?

Yes, they do. All controllers that are made by Microsoft are the same. Only the colors are different.

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Yes because the xbox controllers are the same around the world.

Do white xbox 360 controllers work on black xbox 360 How?

Its a controller. Its color has no part with compatibility.