Some dinosaurs that start with s are Supersaurus, Spinosaurus, and Stegosaurus.
yes, pterodactyl
Dipildocus Dimetrodon Diplodocoidea, Dinheirosaurus, Dromaeosauridae, Deinonychus.
Characteristic traits that start with the letter s:sarcasticsavvyscaryselfishserioussharpsheepishshysillysincereskillfulsloppysmartsneakysnobbishsnottysophisticatedspookysqueamishstingystrangestupidsuccessfulsuspicioussupportivesympathetic
Stegosaurus although it was classified as a lizard but was believed to be what evolved into dinosaurs.
· Yangchuanosaurus
Allosaurus Apatosaurus Albertasaurus
yes, pterodactyl
There are a whole bunch of dinosaurs that begin with the letter E. Some examples of them are Erlikosaurus, Edmontosaurus, and Eoraptor.
Dipildocus Dimetrodon Diplodocoidea, Dinheirosaurus, Dromaeosauridae, Deinonychus.
Fukuisaurus and Fukuiraptor - both found in Japan from Cretaceous period
· Lambeosaurus is the only one I know.
Stegosaurus. Supersaurus is the name of a dinosaur. It was discovered in Colorado.
Some three letter words that start with S are: sadsagsapsatsawsaxsayseaseesetsewsexsheshysicsinsipsirsissitsixslyskisobsodsonsotsowsoyspystysubsumsunsup