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yes he did

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Q: Did plo koon die in order 66?
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How do you get order 66 in Star Wars battlefront 2?

Play the campaign it appears near the middle of the game.

Who were the Jedi killed in the clone wars?

in episode 3 it was mace windu,kit fisto,ayla secura, shaka tii, saesee tiin,plo koon, ki adi mundui, barriss offee, luminara unduli, stass allie and traavis where all of the major jedi that where killed but thousands of other jedi where killed by their once fellow clones the only survivors of this mess was obi wan kenobi and jedi master yoda the only clones that did not follow the orders of order 66 where the commandos the few small groups of clone commandos they are the highest rank of clone there is they did not turd and fire on their jedi commander when order 66 was issued they stayed loyal and after their jedi masters where killed they spread out over the galaxy and lived free lives not worrying about the war the best squad of commandos was delta squad this groupe of 4 clones where the top clones ever bred they out ranked commanders and even the allpowerful arc trooper there names where sev,fixer,schorch and ther allpowerful leader known as boss he dose not really have a name they called him boss or by his number 38 and the second best squad was omega squad all commandos travvle in a group of 4 4 commandos are equal to probably 2-3,000 droids or 1 sith lord

Where can you buy Star Wars republic commando 2?

Star Wars Republic Commando order 66 aka number 2 is coming out this fall

What level does Darkrai learn dark void?

level 66 level 66 positive

How many alchs does it take from 66-70mage?

It takes 3714 high alchs to get from 66 to 70 mage. Each high alch provides 65 exp and you need 241373 exp to get from 66 to 70 mage. I've also included a link to the calculator I used.

Related questions

How old was plo koon when he died?

Emperor Palpatine called for the execution of order 66 and Captain Jag, the wingmate of Plo Koon, took aim and blasted Plo Koon out of the sky, when after the jedi starfighter crashed, killing Plo Koon immediatly.

Does quinlan vos die?

Quinlan vos does die in order 66

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Does jedi quinlan vos die in order 66?

No. He escaped

Does boil die in the clone wars?

Yes boil dies during order 66.

How does k kruhk die in Star Wars?

K'Kruhk does not die, and he survives Order 66 and joins Luke's new Jedi Order

Did Aayla secura die?

Yes. In 19 BBY on Felucia during the execution of Order 66.

When would ahsoka die?

Well since whether or not she dies is still unknown, most people speculate she would die before Order 66 was issued

How does Ki-Adi-Mundi die?

On Mygeeto when order 66 comes, his clones all shoot him. :( He thought they were backing him up. :(

When does Alyssa Jello marry Rio Kay?

when order 66 is executed she hides and calls him because she thinks she is going to die and she is pregnant

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How many Jedis died in order 66?

Over half the masters and knights died because of order 66 and the clones