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No. The truth is that Sonic the Hedgehog was just trying to do the right thing so he decided to protect the Princess and the world from the Flames Disaster. He didn't know that she contained the Flames of Disaster. I know what your thinking: " If she contains the flames of fire why didn't Sonic just let her die?". I used to think that to until I opened my eyes to what it really was: Sonic's a good guy and he's doing the right thing. Maybe we all should. Elise didn't do anything bad right, and Sonic never LET her kiss him.He was dead at that time! Besides, she just knew the world needed him and plus she was the one that liked him not the other way around! Otherwise, blame SEGA. and For all of you Soncelisers.... THEY WENT BACK IN TIME AND THEN THEY BLEW OUT THE FLAME OF IBLIS( DISASTER) AND WITHOUT THAT FLAME OF DISASTER THEY WOULD NEVER EVER MEET!!!!!!!


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Q: Did Sonic the Hedgehog like Princess Elise?
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He did but at about the very end they went back in time to blow out the young flame of Iblis which changed the past and they never met. TAKE THAT SONELISE FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HELL YEAH I AGREE WITH THE GUY/GAL ON THE TOP, TAKE THAT SONELISE FANS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!Plus a human and a talking hedgehog that can beat the crap out of you is stupid. If they had babies, the babies would be mutated. Half hedgehog half human, does that make sense?

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