Refreshments of one's mind or body after work through activity that amuses or stimulates; play.
Recreational games are games as a pastime or as diversions that occupy one's time and thoughts (such as reading, playing music, etc.).
RAC membership covers your car under insurance. It also covers your vehicle when it breaksdown. Membership with RAC offers other benefits, like travel information and deals/discounts on dining out, everyday driving deals, recreational activity discounts, mini vactions, and so much more.
A form of play or sport, especially a competitive one played according to rules and decided by skill, strength, or luck.
A physical activity is aerobics.
why should people buy activity packs
A recreational activity is a physical activity, usually moderate in intensity, that one does for pleasure.
Purpose of recreational activity
Anything recreational is by definition done for fun.
When something is 'recreational' it usually refers to a leisure activity. Other words for this sort of activity include 'avocation', 'entertainment', and 'pastime'.
No it is more of a recreational activity.
Property used for recreation.
Community activity center.
It is to relieve stress
What is the definition of psychomotor skills in physical activity