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Any calling software for imate 8502?

U can try with then create any SIP Thne if u can use on imate 8502

Can an imate have cleats in prison?

If the shoes are sold by a facility approved vendor then yes.

How do you connect imate-Jamin with a Microsoft Windows Desktop PC or Laptop?

you must install the program "ActiveSync" which is on a CD comes in the Imate package .. but before u install it u have to update your windows and install the " service pack 2"

How much is Imate Jasjar?

40,000 In India $800 In USA 530 Pound In UK

Who is Willie Stark loosely base upon?

A ferderal prison imate in Terrie Haute IN 14262026


I want to know if Kevin Pangelinan is in Donavan prision

Will prepaid virgin mobile cell phones accept imate calls from jail?

Yea it does ... my bf just called me today!!

Was lil boosie sentenced yet?

Not yet he just got caught with a imate performing sex acts and got caught wit drugs in his anis

What is the best way to locate a county jail imate lookup site?

I just learned that my youngest son was arrested and taken to the Torrance County jail. Where can I find a listing for county jail inmate lookup site?

Can you get free divorce from a imate in Oklahoma prison?

You can not get a "free" divorce at all, because of the paper work involved. However, if you can research the forms online and type them up yourself and have both parties sign, you can get a divorce for only the filing costs (which in Tulsa county at the time of my divorce were about $45). Voila, divorce on the cheap.

Should an imate be kept in jail for more then a year until he brougth to trial inmate has been be kept on adjourment for a year?

People arrested and placed 'on remand' are held because they pose a possible threat to the public, or trial witnesses. They can remain on remand until a court hearing has been set. Since there is no set time for a court case to be heard, in theory, a prisoner could be held for an indefinite period. However - a judge would usually take the remand period into consideration when passing sentence.

What word has the same spelling pattern as ultimate?
