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  • hemlock
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Q: Could you name evergreens that begin with h?
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What name the science begin with the letter h?

A science that starts with the letter H is horticulture.

What is the name of an old cab begin with h?

There was a hansom cab

What are some adjectives for Father that begin with the letter H?

Adjectives for father that begin with H are:happyhilarioushairyhopefulhumanhumanehumoroushandsomehealthyhilarioushonesthelpfulhonorable

What pronoun begin with h?

Some pronouns that begin with "h" include her, him, and he.

Is their an engineer name that starts with a h?

Heating & Ventilation Engineer and Hydraulics Engineer are engineering jobs. They begin with the letter h.

What is the name of the inset that starts with the letter H?

Hobo spider, honeybee, hornet, horsefly and housefly are insects. They begin with the letter h.

Name drinks that begin with the letter H?

Hot toddy is a drink. Hawaiian Punch is a beverage.

Female fancy dress beginning with H?

Jailbird, jockey and judge are fancy dress ideas for a female. They begin with the letter j.

A name of a car beginning with H?

Highlander (Toyota), Honda, Horizon (Plymouth), Hudson Hornet, Hummer and Hyundai are cars. They begin with the letter H.

Quelles sont les noms des fruits commen and ccedilant pas la lettre H?

Give a fruit the name of it begin with "H" Letter

What are some words that begin with h to describe effort?

Some efforts are heroic, humorous or hapless. They begin with h.

What are some prepositions that begin with the letter H?

Some prepositions that begin with the letter H are "hein," "hence," and "hither."