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its migrate and yes but only if you have a national dex

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Q: Could you mingrate from emerald into Pokemon platinum?
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How do you get magnezone in Pokemon emerald?

No you cant you could only evolve in Pokemon D/P/PLATINUM and now you could in black/white/black2/white2

Where can you find a totodile in Pokemon platinum?

you cant but what you can do is get action replay, migrate it from Pokemon emerald or, you could get it from heart gold or soul silver

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you can't its only in pearl and platinum you could use GTS or migrate your Pokemon from ruby,sapphire or emerald

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There's no way on Pokemon Crater, if it was Pearl, Diamond, Emerald, or Platinum, I could help. I'm experimenting with Heart Gold and Soul Silver

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You can only find misdreavus on Pokemon pearl at the lost tower and eterna forest You could also migrate one from Pokemon sapphire, ruby or emerald

Could you use emerald to trad Pokemon to Pokemon emerald?

yes you can they are both the same game.emerald can trade with Sapphire ruby emerald firered leafgreen and that's its. the trick that u can do is migrate your Pokemon from firered leafgreen Sapphire ruby and emerald to fill up your national pokedex in Pokemon diamond, pearl, platinum,heartgold, and soulsilver. U MUST have a ds or ds lite

How do you get a swinub in Pokemon Emerald?

you cant get swinub in pokemon emerald. you could only get swinub in pokemon gold and silver in the ice path, and pokemon leafgreen and firered in the icefall cave, and pokemons diamond and pearl in route 217, and pokemon platinum in acuity lakefront and route 217, and pokemon heartgold and soulsilver in ice path.

If you take the regi trio from a defective Pokemon emerald game and put it in your Pokemon Platinum account could your Pokemon Platinum game get messed up or maybe even your Nintendo ds?

Well if the emerald game was glitched not cheated and there was something wrong with the Pokemon then there would be a problem with the regis you were to migrate, not your platinum game, but if you cheated with an a gameshark (gameboy version of action replay) then no your platinum will be fine, but if you used the gameshark to download cheats of the internet with a cord or even payed for a special cheat offline, it could potentially corrupt your Pokemon platinum saved file. even if your platinum got corrupted, the chances of your Nintendo ds getting ruined are 100 to 0 it just wouldn't happen so youre safe.

Where is mew on Pokemon Platinum?

You can't catch Mew on platinum without cheats. There was a event for Pokemon emerald version a while ago where you chould get the mistic ticket,and go to the island to see mew.If you know someone who went to that event then you could ask to migrate their Mew.

Where do you find Kyogre in Pokemon white 2?

You can't. You have to trade from other Pokemon games such as Soul Silver, Heart Gold, Platinum, Diamond, and Pearl. You could probably transfer it from Pokemon Sapphire, Ruby, and Emerald. Hope this helped :)

Could you play Pokemon Battle Revolution with platinum?

You can play battle revolution with Pokemon platinum.

What trainer has Meginum in Pokemon Platinum?

There isn't. If you want a meganium or its evolutions you will have to trade one from emerald (after u complete hoen dex in emerald speak to prof birch and he lets u pick a johto starter). Or u could wait till heart gold and soul silver come out in UK as u can trade Pokemon from there via pal park to ur platinum.