ducks and demopns With chris.
Surgeon, sheriff, Spiderman and scarecrow are costumes. They begin with the letter s.
She's No Angel Costume (see related link)
SUPERMAN, Scheherazade
Fantastic or Fashionable can be a compliment starting with letter F.
F. Hottenroth has written: 'Costumes'
bride of chucky batman
Nothing Nautical sign Number
ducks and demopns With chris.
an ice cube
Surgeon, sheriff, Spiderman and scarecrow are costumes. They begin with the letter s.
Some costumes starting with A are:angelarcherAiredale, dogAngora, catapple, like the Fruit of the Loom guyApplejacks, box ofarmored knightAnthony, with CleopatraAnnie, Little OrphanAbbot, with Costelloactor, ShakespeareanAce of spades
She's No Angel Costume (see related link)
SUPERMAN, Scheherazade
Noddy / Navy / Ninepin