Sugar cookies
Shortbread cookies
Sponge cookies
Sandwich cookies
Strawberry filled cookies
Sprinkled cookies
Macadamia Cookies are very popular. They begin with the letter M.
* molasses cookies * macaroons * maringue cookes * Mexican wedding cakes * marshmallow pies * mint chocolate sandwich cookies
picante saucepicklespiepimentopistachiospita breadpizzapink lady applespink grapefruitpine nutspinwheel cookies
Characteristic traits that start with the letter s:sarcasticsavvyscaryselfishserioussharpsheepishshysillysincereskillfulsloppysmartsneakysnobbishsnottysophisticatedspookysqueamishstingystrangestupidsuccessfulsuspicioussupportivesympathetic
There are no-known cookies that start with y, unless you name your cookies Yerladoodles or something that starts with y. Sorry that there are no cookies that start with "y"...
Neapolitan cookies
well theirs enticement cookies i am only I'm fourth grade but i know my cookies yum :^)
Macadamia Cookies are very popular. They begin with the letter M.
* molasses cookies * macaroons * maringue cookes * Mexican wedding cakes * marshmallow pies * mint chocolate sandwich cookies
Some three letter words that start with S are: sadsagsapsatsawsaxsayseaseesetsewsexsheshysicsinsipsirsissitsixslyskisobsodsonsotsowsoyspystysubsumsunsup
picante saucepicklespiepimentopistachiospita breadpizzapink lady applespink grapefruitpine nutspinwheel cookies
Some 4-letter words that start with the letter "s" are: song, snap, soil, stay.
There are a few 19 letter words that start with the letter s. However, there are no 19 letter words that start with s and end with d.
Some letters that start with S are:sales lettersample lettersolicitation letterstrategy lettersympathy letter
Characteristic traits that start with the letter s:sarcasticsavvyscaryselfishserioussharpsheepishshysillysincereskillfulsloppysmartsneakysnobbishsnottysophisticatedspookysqueamishstingystrangestupidsuccessfulsuspicioussupportivesympathetic