None, and there will never be any. Nexon is a very greedy company and the only promo codes you would get are the ones that you would have to pay for. I stopped playing combat arms partially because of that and that there is a spyware virus attached to the game that a hacker put on years ago. Nexon has failed to notice it, so i would recommend that you get rid of combat arms as quick as you can.
the virus has now
they dont have anymore cuz combat arms r cheap
go to Google type in combat arms error codes match your error code and read the description
i dont really know ask some people on other games like magnobie
Combat Arms: Vietnam is based in Vietnam There are other games in the Combat Arms series
Combat Arms EU won't work for Asia players, try Combat Arms Korea.
they dont have anymore cuz combat arms r cheap
No cheats for combat arms.... Only Hacks.
It is not possible to get free gp for combat arms lol omg
There are no combat arms Cheat codes. But there are combat arms hacks. You WILL get banned for hacking and will not be able to get your account back if you do. I reccomend not hacking or trying to cheat on this game.
Look it up!
go to Google type in combat arms error codes match your error code and read the description
i dont really know ask some people on other games like magnobie (down atm) (not free)
No, and there will never be. Codes must be activated at a register from a cashier.
Combat Arms: Vietnam is based in Vietnam There are other games in the Combat Arms series
there are no cheat codes, but you can download cheats however less and less are usable with nexon using better and better hack blockers.