it's on the manual back.
you get one of the customers to eat a fish then you pick them up and throw them in the lake and you get the activation code!
Fish Tycoon Plant Tycoon Hotel Tycoon
Check out the related links for instructions on how to make different fish in Fish Tycoon.
have 7 Magic fish
code fish tycoon
it's on the manual back.
you get one of the customers to eat a fish then you pick them up and throw them in the lake and you get the activation code!
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Fish Tycoon happened in 2004.
Fish Tycoon was created on 2004-05-03.
Fish Tycoon Plant Tycoon Hotel Tycoon
Check out the related links for instructions on how to make different fish in Fish Tycoon.
Check out the related links for instructions on how to make different fish in Fish Tycoon.
have 7 Magic fish
The isolation tank in fish tycoon is that little box that, when you put your fish in it, will show its age, what type of fish, health, and if its fed.
Yes there is a game called plant tycoon and fish tycoon too.