Level 1:4XV5
Level 2:X4RU
Level 3:B8CR
Level 4:PA55
Level 5:LXX9
Level 6:BHLU
Level 7:99FF
Level 8:BG34
Level 9:NFDL
Level 10:G5TR
Area code Zip code Morse code Security code Bar code Dress code Pass code Color code
All Weapons + AmmoCheat code: idfaAll Weapons + Ammo + KeysCheat code: idkfa Beserk PackCheat code: IDBEHOLDSChoose Game BGMCheat code: IDMUSXXNote: (XX is a number)Computer Area MapCheat code: IDBEHOLDAEntire MapCheat code: IDDTGod ModeCheat code: iddqdInvisibilityCheat code: IDBEHOLDIInvisible to Enemies Until You AttackCheat code: FHSHHInvulnerabilityCheat code: IDBEHOLDVLevel WarpCheat code: IDCLEV XXNote: (XX is the level number, like 06)Light Amp GogglesCheat code: IDBEHOLDLNo Clipping ModeCheat code: idclip or idspispopdRadiation SuitCheat code: IDBEHOLDRReplace Fists with ChainsawCheat code: idchoppersShow Position in CodeCheat code: idmypos
A webkinz zum code is what you get when you buy a zumbuddy for your webkinz. You put in the code at the code shop.
Oh, dude, finding Hobo 1 to 5 codes is like searching for buried treasure in a landfill. You can try scouring the internet for forums or cheat code websites, but honestly, who has time for that? Just play the game and embrace the chaos, man.
the code number is 561274
the code for level 10 is G5CR
the code for level 10 is g5tr
you can't
Level1-4X15 Level2-X4RU
i don't know the answer but can someone help a little girl that's done every single level except from the bonus level please please.
bg34 pa55 crda1 bg39 dgh8
Area code Zip code Morse code Security code Bar code Dress code Pass code Color code
Papyrus Code Code of Hammurabi Code of Cinithis Rosetta Code These are examples of ancient moral codes.
<code><code>HTML TEXT HERE</code></code>
Code 1=hongha code 2=hoankiem code 3=hnams code 4=dhyhn code 5=anba code 6=khoamoc code 7=diepdin code 8=meyen code 9=bominh code 10=emyeu