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If you manage your account on Club Penguin, you make a parent account to make sure you child is safe, see their connection for the past week, change their passwords, see their ban history, and see your membership charged. Hoped this helped!

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Q: Clubpenguin what happens if you manage your account?
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How do you mange your account in clubpenguin for your penguin?

Easy, log on to club penguin click the question mark on the tool bar and click manage account.

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i have an acount and its real!user if violet62004 pass:princess100

How do you change your password on clubpenguin?

actually there is a way to change your password. see that manage account button. click that and enter your parent account. if you dont have a parent account. you can create one. then click on your username when the top bar says manage penguin account. then click penguin password. and tadaa. you can change your password. they dont need your old password. if it doesnt work. keep on trying and youll get it

How do you get an account on clubpenguin without anybody knowing?

you cant tell nobody that you got clubpenguin

Can anyone let me have there club penguin account?

People Have privacy if you need an account log on clubpenguin . do not just beg for some clubpenguin accounts

What is your clubpenguin account?

The user name and password you created when you joined is your account.