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You have to be a secret agent to get the spy phone.

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Q: Clubpenguin get the secret agent phone but you do not have to be a secret agent?
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How do you do missions on clubpenguin?

you have to be a secret agent.

How do you beat the 7th secret agent clubpenguin mission?

listen to what secret agent G says

What do you need to be a secret agent?

you have to be 30 days or older on clubpenguin

How do you become the new secret agent on Clubpenguin?

go to the everyday phoning faculty

How do you become a clubpenguin secret top agent?

The only top secret agents I know of in clubpenguin is Gary and the commander. But there is the EPF (Elite Penguin Force) and they are above regular secret agents so that is it.

Do you have to be a member of binweevils to do missions?

to do missions you have to be a secret agent you can be a secret agent if your at least above 50 days old and if you are then click on the M when you are playing on clubpenguin.

How do you get in the headquarters clubpenguin?

well you have to be a secret agent and then you click your spy phone and press "vist hq" (or just go to the gift shop or the sport shop and go in the changing room)

How many missions are there on clubpenguin?

I think there are 8 missions you have to complete before you become a secret agent.

Who is the best secret agent on clubpenguin?

i think its Gary but it chold be rookie or jet pack guy

Can you anyone give you a clubpenguin Secret Agent Handbook code?

well everyone knows that's impossible

How do you be a secret agent in clubpenguin?

To become a secret agent on club penguin click on the M what is in the top right corner then take the quiz and answer the questions saying all the good things why you want to be a secret agent even if that is not the proper reason why you want to be one when your on your penguin.

What do you need to do to becom a secret agent?

on clubpenguin? because its cool and if u become 1 u don't have to if u have cp ds because u have the code that gets the phone and command become a agent u need to take a test its not that hard =]