storky will tell you if u dnt clean the house that ______(babies name) is sesative to dust. you need to feed it syrup. the syrup is in the cuboard above the change table in the bathroom.
there are but you have to have a code and i don't have the code but there is one Ubisoft9 hope this helps!!
There are no cheats.
Imagine babies is better because you can paint your house and decorate yourself.
go to a website called pokemonpoogame/cards/ds cheats. on this website you can find action replay cheats for ds/dsi
Imagine Fashion Designer is rated better.
There aren't any yet.
imagine baby for ds
no one has any idea!! get a life please!
there are but you have to have a code and i don't have the code but there is one Ubisoft9 hope this helps!!
Just pull the string! Damian
you make an orange stripe in the middle like off level 23
you get a new game, probably a better one, then throw that one away.
how do you enter cheats on ds
it's in the cabinet in the bathroom, it's for baby's who are having a reaction to the dust, better clean your house!
=No but there are cheats you can unlock=