Click on the codes type the very first level code in Glamour and the special last one
it is hard the level but the answer is Fashion
on the side bar
go where you build a robot and make your robot and hold shift+4 and get 50,000
yomama 3thousand
The code for the Robot Head on Moshi Monsters has expired. The codes for the robot parts for the Build-A-Robot competition were only good for one day. If you are a paid Moshi Member, you can buy the robot head at Horrod's.
You can't make your Sim a robot but you can have a robot in the family.You need to type this into the cheat box (ctrl, shift and c if you don't no) boolprop testingcheatsenabled true . Don't put the full stop but then find where it says spawn then click that and find new servo then a robot will appear next to your Sim.
Glamour Fashion
There are two cheat codes that can be used for the game Robot Rage. They are the Money Hack and the Armor Hack. One can also get both cheat codes together.
Ghost for walk through walls
In the bottom left hand corner where minifigs are
Get on robot chronicles, click on profile, below the radar and above the mute, play, and exit options there is a blank space click on it then type in code.
because he is a robot and most robots need codes to work
yes ther are if you go to and than tipe in up the top robot chronicles codes. And ther thay are.
VERY VERY, carefully!!
bad question
YES! There actually is a cheat where you can costumize as a robot and here are the instructions on how you can do it. First you click on a robot, and while it is talking you click on your profile, which is at the top-right corner. After you have finished doing that you need to click on a friend then when you see his or hers' profile, ( Doesn't matter who it is ) you then move to the right until you cannot see the character just its profile, and then click costumize where you then see the robot and not your friend, and now all you have to do is copy off the costume you have chosen, and one more thing this cheat also works on animals so if you ever change your mind of instead looking like a robot you can look like a cat or a dog. :)
how do you find the robot on 24carrot island