I think deadly performance is better because it not only has protection but it can heal to. Trust me, i chose deadly performance and it rocks. Plus, when you summon the people to help you, it locks awesome.
in crypt AA on mortal kombat deadly alliance is qan chi's alternate costume
if u want more hp...deadly performance would be better. on the other hand dark eye will give u more cp. lets make it simple -Deadly Performance >> HP -Dark Eye >> CP
Characters would basically be each letter of a word. "Literally" has 9 characters. 9 letters.
Deadly means excellent or good Unna means ain't it Deadly unna? = good, ain't it?
mary poppins
it focuses on the racial discrimantion and prejudism between the port and the point
Dumby red, got shot at a bar whilst tying to rob big mac
he feels that his dad unfairly punishes him but at the same time Gary wants his respect.
In the first chapter of "Deadly, Unna?" Blacky is worried about being accepted by his friends and fitting in with the tough boys in his small Australian town. He also worries about his father's expectations and the pressure to perform well in football.
He denies not noing her so he can impress Cathy. This Makes his masculinity change from diverse to a complicit.
The population of Unna - district - is 415,138.
Warren Unna was born in 1923.
Jacob Unna was born in 1800.
Jacob Unna died in 1881.