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There are no power levels shown after freiza saga. But I know the power levels that Akira Toriyama's DBZ power level site mentioned these:

Imperfect Cell - 18,000,000

Piccolo [after reuniting with Kami] - 34,000,000

Android 17 - 30,000,000

Piccolo - 34,000,000

Piccolo [worn out] - 30,000,000

Imperfect Cell [after sucking the life out of many humans] - 34,000,000

Android 16 - 34,000,000

2nd form Cell - 58,000,000

Tien [neo-tri beam] - 12,000,000

2nd form Cell - 58,000,000

Super Vegeta - 62,000,000

Super Trunks - 60,000,000

Krillin - 5,000,000

Android 18 - 30,000,000

Perfect Cell - 95,000,000

Super Vegeta - 62,000,000

Super Vegeta [final flash] - 78,557,000

Perfect Cell - 95,000,000

Ultra Trunks - 98,225,210 [with slow speed]

Mister Hercule Satan - 10

Perfect Cell - 95,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku - 80,000,000

Perfect Cell [full power] - 145,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [full power] - 140,000,000

Perfect Cell [after eating the senzu bean Goku gave him] - 165,000,000

Super Saiyan Gohan - 150,000,000

Cell juniors - 165,000,000

Super Saiyan Goku [battle worn] - 80,000,000

Super Vegeta [after training in the hyperbolic time chamber] - 120,000,000

Super Trunks [after training in the hyperbolic time chamber] - 115,000,000

Super Piccolo [after training in the hyperbolic time chamber] - 105,000,000

Krillin - 5,000,000

Tien - 5,400,000

Yamcha - 4,500,000

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan - 300,000,000

Perfect Cell [full power] - 191,304,000

Perfect Buff Cell - 201,456,040

Super Perfect Cell - 227,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan [injured] - 220,000,000

Super Perfect Cell [solar kamehameha] - 280,000,000

Super Saiyan 2 Gohan [father-son kamehameha] - 300,000,000

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