A famous author whose last name begins with R is J.K. Rowling who is known for the popular Harry Potter series.
· Condoleezza Rice (U.S. Secretary of State)
Arkansas Arizona Oregon.
Oregon, Arkansas
Nick Nolte
rihanna, rascal flatts, Raymond usher
Robert Redford
Ray Toro, The Lead Guitar Of My Chemical Romance.
A famous author whose last name begins with R is J.K. Rowling who is known for the popular Harry Potter series.
The letters EATRPRYKY have the anagram "Katy Perry."
Rianna,Robbie Williams,ronaldinio but that's his surname.
Ron Howard
Rajesh Mukherjee
Robert Pattison (Edward Cullen: Twilight. Cedric Diggory: Harry Potter)
Raymond (everybody loves Raymond)