The only legitimate way to obtain Celebi and Mew is through a Nintendo event. In FireRed and LeafGreen you will need an event-only item to travel to the last two islands where you can catch those Pokemon
No, you do not need a master ball, if you get it to a low enough hp, you can catch it with an ultra ball. You can find mew in the end of the cave in cerulean.
use a gameshark or action replay u lazy bumb!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
You cannot get Mew legit in Pokemon FireRed, for the event for Mew has ended. You would need to use a GameShark or trade for it from Pokemon Emerald.
How to battle mew in Fire Red. I don't know how??!!
You can't get mew in firered or leafgreen.
Its not possible to get mew in firered only emerald can via Nintendo event.
You can't catch it on Firered you can only catch it in Emerald
Cerulean cave
Pokemon firered emerald
Nope, you have to trade him.
The Cerulean Cave
can't but you can get one from emerald if you have the old sea chart and catch mew at faraway island.
No, you to migrate it from Pokemon firered/leaf green.
Unfortunately, Mew is not a catchable Pokemon in FireRed. It is impossible to catch it without a Cheating Device. Sorry, The interwebs fooled me, too.
Put it to sleep then use an ultra ball.