ok 1st, catch lugia in Pokemon (the game that has a lugia picture on it), and then, migrate it to pearl, diamond, or platinum, and then you have it.
Hope it Helped :)
if you dont have the game or did'nt catch lugai, yu go to Iron Island, catch 32 pokemon, and go to the Unknown Cave (the cave that has unknowns) and catch the ''L'' Kind of Unknown, and then run around in the cave, and you will find it!
Hope it Helped :)
theres a quicker way! talk to Riley when you beated the whole game, and saw all pokemon, talkk to Riley, and he will give you a mission, and he will give u a egg, or the location where lugai is
Hope it Helped :)
you've got to wait tilll April and may to get the mystery gift legally
You can only get a Mareep by using a Wonder Card which is used in Mystery Gift and with the Wireless Adapter that alters the Pokemon inside Altering Cave allowing you to catch a Mareep, Teddiursa, Houndour, Stantler, Pineco, and Zubat (Which is the only Pokemon you can catch without Mystery Gift.).
If it is shiny or Pikachu coloured then it is
mystery gift is for the amaica rocks and i am still tryiny to figure out the other parts
You can only using a Nintendo mystery gift.
you must catch it and purify it in Pokemon xd gale of darkness.
you can't.
yes it is. The only way u can catch lugia is A.R or game shark
Not without cheating
you cant
you have to get to naval rock by getting the mystery gift then u would see lugia
Yes, there are two ways. The first way is to get one of the Mystery Gift Lugia from Pokémon Emerald and trade it to Sapphire. The Mystery Gift in Emerald shut down about 5 years ago, though, so you probably can't do it that way. The other way is to get Shadow Lugia on PKMN Xd and trade to sapphire.
first use mystery gift then go to island to catch them on with a team of level 1 Magikarps. Then throw a Pokeball at them and you should catch automatically. This will not work if you have a masterball or Pokemon over level 1. Your game will crash and youll have to start all over again. I hate them, catch Deoxys instead.
you have to get the arceus event on mystery gift.
i have no idea signed billy madden
get the mystery gift on lg/fr and get ticket to naval rock in there you will see lugia and ho-ho 55555555555555555555555555555