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Cart Surfer is located in the Mine Shack, right next to the Pool. If you want to know how to earn a lot of coins, press down arrow twice (plus 80 points) and then the down arrow and space bar (plus 100 points) When you get to a turn, press the back arrow and which ever arrow you need to make the correct turn. Cart hold=double down arrow Backflip=down arrow, space bar Never repeat a trick until doing another one. (Backflip+Backflip) (Backflip+Cart Hold)

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Q: Cart surfer Club Penguin
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Are there fourteen tricks in cart surfer club penguin?

yes. there are

How do you do a flip in cart surfer on Club Penguin?

To flip the cart in cart surfer you press the down arrow key and then press space and you get 100 points.

What club penguin game gets the most coins?

Cart Surfer

How to get Club Penguin?

Play a game like Cart Surfer, etc.

How do you jump on cart surfur on club penguin?

on cart surfer in club penguin to do jump first press the down then the space bar you get 100 coins

How do you cart surf on club penguin with your puffle?

You can only play cart surfer with a black puffle

Doesn't cart surfer give you the most money in club penguin?


Club penguin how to get money?

Play a game like Cart Surfer, etc.

How many turns are there before the end in cart surfer on club penguin?

9 or 10

What puffle likes to play cart surfer from club penguin magzin?

The Black Puffle.

How do you do backflips in cart surfer in club penguin?

Go play cart surfer. Press space bar to jump. While you are in the air press the back arrow key.