AcuAlly the person that said babt toddler child teenager is wrong because I've had mines for a month and it never grew up to be a child it's still a toddler
If you have sims 3 ambition expansion pack you can be self employed.
There is no cheat in Sims 3 to get your teen pregnant but if you enter the cheat in testingcheatsenabled true you can right click on your sim and then you click trigger age transition and then get your sims pregnant once your sim has delivered the baby right click on your sim again and click edit my sim and then you can make it a teenager again and your sim will still have the baby and that is how you can have a baby when you are a teenager
No you can not spank teens on the sims 3
You should be a teen to play the sims 3.
In the sims 3 it is impossible to kill a baby.
No only on sims 3 ambition
Yes actually they can they can become baby,toddler,child,and then Teen of course! HOPE I HELPED !!
You can have twins or a single baby but only on sims 3 ambition.
get the sims 3 on ds
Just have the same two people try for a baby again.
how can i create a account on Sims 3 ambition's
If you are meaning like hold them then... YES! Yo uhave to hold the babies when they are hungry or lonely. So basically yes you can pick up your baby on the sims 3 ambitions. :)
Your sims baby will be ALLOWED to move out when it is a young adult, but can have their own home as a teen if an adult goes with them and the adult dies or is killed.
Since Sims 3 DS is only rated Everyone 10 and up, and not Teen, it is not possible to have children on this game.
I have played SIMS 3 Before. As i soor on my PC you can have a Baby,Toddler,Child,Teen,Young Adult, and Adult , and Elder. Alot Huh?
I think you just have to wait a little while until they decide your sims good enough to take care of the baby again.I think you have to wait a couple of sim days.
If you have sims 3 ambition expansion pack you can be self employed.