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Q: Can you used 2 xbox on the same account?
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Can you give items from one Fable 2 account to another one on the same xbox?

No, you have to give it to a friend online, then go to your other account and get it back from there.

Can 2 people earn rank on halo reach?

If you mean two account playing on the same xbox then yes.

In Call of duty 3 xbox 360 can you use headsets with two people in the same household?

Call of Duty 3 first of all needs to have the ability for online multiplayer gaming, (which it does). It also has to be able to handle multiple people on the same xbox 360 console and at the same time being able to play online multiplayer. Halo 2 for example can have 4 people playing on the same xbox console and at the same time connecting to other xbox consoles for online multiplayer gaming. If the game can do this, you must also have 2 different xbox live accounts. You can not use a guest off of another account as an xbox live account because the guests do not have the ability to talk through a mic, even if you have 2 mics. If you have 2 xbox live accounts, then the two of you on the same console can talk to other players on xbox live as long as you both have separate accounts, controllers, and mics.

How do you get modern warfare 2 online?

If you have xbox then you need an xbox live account or if you have PS3 you need a PSN account. Then go on multiplayer and select play online.

What are Halo 2 achievement points for?

They are from the pc, online xbox live account. What ever achievements you earn from that game goes to your xbox live account's gamerscore and be classified as "Halo 2: PC".

How do you play modern warfare 2 online?

If for Xbox 360 you need an Xbox Live account, for PS3 you need a PSN account, and for both you need the internet connected to the console.

How do you download Halo 2 maps xbox?

make an account on using the same email and password as you used to make your xbox live account and go to community files and search modded maps

How many can play in gears of war 2?

for co-op/non xbox live only 2 profiles at a time (on the same xbox) can be used, though for xbox live, 2 teams of 5 play each other, and on horde it is just one team of 5

Can you play 2 player on Xbox live on gears of war 2?

Yes, you can play cooperatively with a buddy over Xbox live, or on the same Xbox.

Can you have 2 debit cards for the same account?

Yes, it is possible to have 2 debit cards for the same account.

Can 2 people on 1 Xbox 360 both be signed in at the same time?

One person may be signed on per controller, but not with the same profile. If you need someone else to be signed on to play xbox live, many games have a "guest" option that allow a controller to be signed on as a live account's guest.

Can you have more then one Xbox live account on a Xbox360?

Yea. You just need 2 controllers, one for each account, and just sign in normally with both controllers.