No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. However, you can use an elemental symbol if it also happens to spell an allowable Scrabble word.
no you cannot use foreign words or proper nouns in scrabble unless at the beginning everyone agrees that you can use foreign words and names. But the names can only be of someone widely known.
No. It is a symbol that means "recipe" and is commonly used to indicate a medical prescription. It is also not in the Official Scrabble Player Dictionary, 4th Edition.
No, it isn't. ES is though. The only valid Scrabble 2-letter words starting with S are: SH, SI, SO and ST.
what scrabble words use eplhciy
The chemical symbol for selenium is Se.
The symbol for selenium is Se.
The symbol for Aixtron SE in NASDAQ is: AIXG.
The symbol for SAP SE in the NYSE is: SAP.
No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. However, you can use an elemental symbol if it also happens to spell an allowable Scrabble word.
The "and" symbol is called an ampersand.
The answer about SE is: symbol equation
黑色 (hei se)
The symbol for Spectra Energy Corp in the NYSE is: SE.
no you cannot use foreign words or proper nouns in scrabble unless at the beginning everyone agrees that you can use foreign words and names. But the names can only be of someone widely known.