No, the limit is 1 cannon can be used at a time per person, you can however have multiple cannons in your inventory, but only 1 may be placed.
Fly fishing is more worth your time than both, if you are member - go to shilo village to do this, it's a popular power-fishing spot.
According to the official Runescape FAQ It is not possible to pay for more than one month of membership at a time. (actually you can get 30day and 90day, maybe 60day too I'm not sure Well, runescape just released the one year membership cards again! You can buy them at rite-aid.
Runescape has a fantasy setting, it doesn't take place in a set time but the game is vageuly medieval.
The hiscores in Runescape is constantly changing. To find out who's #1 at this time, you should visit Runescape and click on the Hi-Scores link.
runescape 2 is and was always the original runescape just that every time they update it it's called a new runescape like1, 2, 3 of 4 also websites like will steal your password and ruin your account!
You can, but you can only have membership for up to 3 accounts at 1 time.
runescape people play all the time, if i was not right to answer your question, try adding more detail
Any time. The price is fairly steady as of recent and day-to-day fluctuation is no more than 5-10 GP.
Try to sell in 100 Bulks at a time, or keep to the nearest whole number.
No date has been announced. Actually, RuneScape is being upgraded all the time; I expect "RuneScape 3" to be more of an incremental upgrade. In other words, they continue doing improvements and changes; at some time they will call it "RuneScape 3".
It's a matter of opinion, but it takes literally more than 10x the amount of time it takes in RuneScape to do everything possible in WoW. It depends on what your opinion of "better" is, but if you're looking for a larger, longer, more time consuming game.. RuneScape is your best bet.
no because u can't lend sets and u cant lend more than 1 thing at a time. sorry to tell you it
Fly fishing is more worth your time than both, if you are member - go to shilo village to do this, it's a popular power-fishing spot.
Yes, a cannonball will generally travel farther if shot from a longer cannon. A longer cannon gives the cannonball more time to accelerate and build momentum before exiting the barrel, resulting in a higher initial velocity and longer travel distance.
According to the official Runescape FAQ It is not possible to pay for more than one month of membership at a time. (actually you can get 30day and 90day, maybe 60day too I'm not sure Well, runescape just released the one year membership cards again! You can buy them at rite-aid.
These are areas more then one person or creature can attack you at the same time.
Merchanting A high valuable item, other than that there is no other way.