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Yes i think you can catch sandshrew in the desert in emerald then you can migrate it to pearl.

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Q: Can you use emerald instead of leaf green for sandshrew in pearl?
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How do you get a sandshrew on Pokemon Pearl?

Sandshrew is not obtainable in Pokemon pearl/diamondzsemicolumz it must b migrated from Pokemon leafgreen/firered.

Where do you get a lickitung in Pokemon emerald?

you can get one from firered or leaf green and transfering it to emerald,ruby, or sapphire, then migrate to diamond and pearl

How do you migrate back to Emerald from Pearl?

It is impossible to transfer back Pokemon you migrated from emerald, ruby, sapphire, fire red, leaf green etc... to Pokemon diamond/pearl.

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Pokemon #27 is sandshrew.

Can you transport Pokemon from pearl to emerald not emerald to pearl?

no, pearl is for ds, emerald is for gameboy advance.

Is it possible to get a Luxio in emerald?

you can't Pokemon from diamond and pearl cannot be trade with Pokemon from ruby, sapphire, or emerald. the only ones that are different regions are fire red and leaf green can trade with ruby, sapphire, and emerald. or you migrate to diamond and pearl from fire red, leaf green, ruby, sapphire, or emerald. hope this helpd.

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Sorry, but i am afraid you can not find pidgey on emerald. Only on red, yellow, green, blue, diamond, pearl, fire red and leaf green. Sorry again!

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In 1994, Dodge used Emerald Green Pearl Metallic.

How do you catch Pidgey on pokempn emerald?

I'm afraid you can't catch pidgey on emerald. You can get it on diamond pearl fire red and leaf green though! Molly.

How do you get sandshrew Pokemon Pearl?

go to pamela andersons house in Pokemon and she will give it to you she lives next to Michael jacksons house in curealeaon city

How do you migrate Pokemon from emerald to pearl?

have Pokemon pearl and emerald both in the ds. it will say migrate from emerald on the Pokemon pearl screen. that`s all you need to know.

How do you get Pokemon emerald to Pokemon pearl?

you use pal park to get emerald Pokemon to pearl bur you can't transfer them back to emerald