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No, they're not part of the official Scrabble dictionary.

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Q: Can you use contractions in Scrabble?
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Related questions

Should you use contractions in a research paper?

Hey, never use contractions in a research paper. It was meant for words.

How do you use math if you are a midwife?

Count the number of contractions in 15 seconds, then multiply by four to get the contractions per minute.

When should you use apostrophes?

In possessive nouns and contractions.

How do you use contractions?

Contractions are made by combining two words with an apostrophe to indicate missing letters, such as "can't" for "cannot" or "I'll" for "I will." They are commonly used in informal writing and speech to make language more concise and conversational.

Did they use contractions in the old west?

Yes, contractions date back further than the 1600's but contractions for not seem to have started in the 1700's and gained popularity in the 1800's.

How do gynecologists use math?

They measure the number of contractions in 15 seconds, then multiply that number by 4 to get the number of contractions in one minute.

Should contractions be used in questions?

You should not use contractions unless the question would sound really awkard without one.

What are the 2 times you use an apostrophe?

In contractions and to show possession

Were contractions used in the early 1800s?

Yes, people used contractions just like we use. They were not as common in informal speech and writing as they are today.

Use contractions when writing?

Sure, I'll do that. Let me know if you need anything else.

What is difference between possessive noun and contractions?

Possessive nouns use apostrophe as of to show ownership. While, contractions use apostrophes to show the combination of two words by one or more letter.

One may correctly use contractions and first-person pronouns in formal writing?

Formal writing does not use contractions, but it has no rule against first person pronouns, beyond making sure you never use "myself" as a substitute for "me."