Ad or AD cannot be used in Scrabble. This violates the rules of using abbreviations. Ad stands for Advertisement. AD stands for Anno Domini.
A:According to official sources, including the Official Scrabble Players Dictionary and published lists of acceptable two-letter Scrabble words, the answer is yes: the word 'ad' is valid in Scrabble unless explicitly banned by a house rule (such as a hard interpretation of the 'no abbreviations' official rule).
what scrabble words use eplhciy
No. Zen is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. OJ is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. Lu is not allowed in Scrabble.
No, abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble.
If you are meaning it to be the wordadvertisement, then yes,
Ad hocery is the use of ad hoc or improvised reasoning.
"The goods were taxed ad valorem"
The current year is 2010 AD.
She went on and on ad nauseam about her divorce.
A person can use a local ad for their business if they visit the sbc website. A person can get free guidance on how to apply for ad space for a low price.
ad=after death bc=before christ this is how i remember it
I put an ad out in the local paper for our garage sale.
I'm in ad idem with my colleagues comments.
you say blah blah blah ad hominem and then it is in your sentence.
It is recognized that many historians chose to use CE instead of AD. Or in some cases both are used such as 500 CE/AD. In either case, 600 CE/AD came after 500 CE/AD.