No. It is an acronym for New York or its similar. It is also not found in the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary, 4th Edition.
No. It is an acronym.
No. VIP is an acronym for Very Important Person, which is not allowed in Scrabble.
No. IQ is an acronym for Intelligence Quotient and is not allowed in Scrabble.
An acronym.
No. It is an acronym for New York or its similar. It is also not found in the Official Scrabble Player's Dictionary, 4th Edition.
No. It is an acronym.
Acronyms are not allowed in Scrabble, but nairu is an allowable Scrabble word.
No. VIP is an acronym for Very Important Person, which is not allowed in Scrabble.
An acronym in German is "Kfz" standing for "KraftFahrZeug"
No. It is an acronym for 'Quality Assurance' or the like.
ATA is an incredibly popular acronym, but no companies use that acronym. There were companies who used ATA as part of their name, such as ATA Airlines and ATA Holdings in the past.
'HD' is not a word in the english language, so no. It also is an acronym. Acronyms are not words. However, the words that the acronym 'HD' stands for, may be allowed. Such words may include: High Hard Density Definition Drive Disk
No, because it is an acronym for "Zero Electron Kinetic Energy".
No. IQ is an acronym for Intelligence Quotient and is not allowed in Scrabble.
The acronym eee can stand for a variety of things, depending on context. The most popular use for the acronym is the "electronic educational environment."
Officially genuine does not have an acronym associated with it. However, many will use gen as an abbreviation for genuine.