No, abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble.
But you can use shortened versions of words. N.A.S.A., D.N.A., and F.B.I. don't fly in scrabble. However, you can use shortened versions of words that some might think of as "abbreviations" like ab (an abdominal muscle), ad (an advertisement), ed (eduaction), ag (agriculture), and even za (Pizza). Generally, if you need to punctuate it with periods, caps, or apostrophies, it's not valid. However, it also gets tricky as there are some words that are technically abbreviations like Scuba and laser that have become so common that they are no longer taboo. It takes studying and practice to distinguish the valid from the void.
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No, abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble.
By the Game rules, No. Abbreviations are not normally allowed in Scrabble. But that all depends on who you are playing with.
No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. However, you can use an elemental symbol if it also happens to spell an allowable Scrabble word.
No. Abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble. DIY = Do It Yourself
No. Tn is not allowed in Scrabble. If you are thinking of TN as an abbreviation, abbreviations are not allowed in Scrabble.