You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.
No, a DS emulator is not compatible with the PS2
You exit out of the pokewalker and then go to the ds and click the pokewlker menu and click somrewhere where it says gifts and use the pokewalker to transfer to the ds
No, your DS does not need to be on in order to use the PokéWalker however your DS does need to be on in order to transfer a Pokémon into the PokéWalker.
no, but a team called komba are making a n64 emulator for dstwo. (a ds flash card)
Use Google to search for NO$GBA it's an emulator for both DS and GBA games.
You do not need a Pokewalker to trade Pokemon. The DS has built-in wireless communications. The DS does not need the Pokewalker to trade Pokemon.
if you restarted your game it will probably not work at least for me i cant use mine anymore and i have beeten it 7 times. i am not kidding
No, a DS emulator is not compatible with the PS2
You exit out of the pokewalker and then go to the ds and click the pokewlker menu and click somrewhere where it says gifts and use the pokewalker to transfer to the ds
YES!!! All DS EMU's can use action replay cheats
Yes you can.
No, your DS does not need to be on in order to use the PokéWalker however your DS does need to be on in order to transfer a Pokémon into the PokéWalker.
Under the main menu pick connect to pokewalker and follow the instructions. Then put the pokewalker in front of the ds. It is pretty simple to work, is basically self-explanitary
no$gba. google it. or just google, "nintendo ds emulator ".
go to your heartgold or soulsilver main menu and you'll see connect to pokewalker. you can retrieve it from there by pointing your pokewalker at your ds.