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No. It is theoretically possible; however, as of right now, it is not possible. This is because there are no drivers for it, though someone could eventually make them.

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Q: Can you use Wii speak as a usb Microphone on your PC?
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Can you use your usb logitec microphone headset on your wii to speak on animal crossing or even Wii speak channel?

No you can't. You have to use the microphone included with the game to speak through the game.

What microphone can you use for wii?

Any USB Microphone

How do you connect microphone for wii beatles rock band?

The microphone has a USB connector. There are 2 USB ports on the back of the Wii. Hook the microphone connector into one of the ports. But you need to have a Wii remote on so that you can still select your difficulty level and scroll around. And pressing the A button on the remote will give you star power mode

What is the WII usb ports used for?

they're used for various accessories (Guitar Hero World Tour/Rock Band Microphone, Wii Speak Accessory, etc.) Or, if you've modified your wii enough, to use USB Mass Storage Devices. won't tell you how to modify it here, google it,

Can you use the wii microphone for your PC?

this is possible is your wii microphone a usb if o just plug it into the face of the xbox and then happy singing :)

Can you use the Wii High School Musical microphone for Wii Band Hero?

Yes you can this idiot under me is just stupid! of course not. I never even looked at it ,but this is just stupid!

Can you use a USB microphone with an audio interface?

Yes, you can use a USB microphone with an audio interface by connecting the USB microphone to the audio interface's USB port. This allows you to benefit from the audio quality and features of the interface while using the convenience of a USB microphone.

Can the Wii use any usb headset for Wii speak?

Most probably yes :D There are two usb Ports that are available behind the console. And check that the usb headset is compatible with the wii. In my own experience, i even use my own usb speaker to hear my music while playing wii sports :D Hope this helps.

What happens when you plug a USB into a wii console?

Well there are several ways to use those USBs. For example, the guitar controller's sensor for the game Rock Band hooks into the USB and the microphone also hooks into the USB as well.

What microphone can you use with Sing it on the xbox 360?

Any microphone from any other game on the xbox 360, ps3 and wii. Because the microphones from these consoles use a USB wire, socket, thing... You can also use the headset that connects to the controller.

What is use of microphone?

the use of a microphone is to speak louder

Is wii rock band wireless microphone compatible with Disney sing it?

no. you must use a microphone with a usb cable. at the back, there is a usp port. plug it in there