Yes. I have played the game myself and you can turn the language off and the blood can be turned off, you can also turn off the sexual content witch locks strip clubs and disables missions of drug abuse or seualy content
Yes you can just mute the tv
You have to mute the voices entirely.
When you start the game for the first time When you start the game for the first time you will have to adjust the screen settings and after that a notice will come up asking do you want to turn off the language and gore in the game
No because it is part of the game... You could turn down some of the effects maybe, but it's part of the game, sorry.
You can't 'turn off' the language.. But you can have it in either English or Italian, with subtitles of either language.
noYou can turn off blood but not language.
no a-hole
Yes, all you have to do is masturbate the dudes dick
No toucan not