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Metal Gear Solid 4 does not contain that much blood actually. But yes, you can turn the blood off. Although blood in cutscenes will still be shown.

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Q: Can you turn off the blood in Metal Gear Solid 4?
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It goes thicker to test this you can get blood and just leave it there, it will turn into a solid.

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Mercury and gallium. Actually, gallium is the one that would turn from a solid to a liquid in a person's hand.

Tongue turns white from lack of blood and numb?

i dont know why but mine will start tingling and then turn solid white all the blood leaves it..... its very scary

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A gas can't turn directly into a solid but a solid can turn into gas for example ice to water vapor.

If you have a worm gear and a sprocket gear and the worm gear rotates slowly on its shaft how will the sprocket gear turn?

Even slower