You can only be in the hoenn region you can travel to any other regions
Jubilife City is located in Sinnoh, not Hoenn. Since Pokemon Sapphire takes place in Hoenn, Jubilife City is not accesible. You can buy a copy of Diamond, Pearl or Platinum in which travel through Sinnoh.
If leave Pokemon in the daycare, they level up according to how much you travel. More travel = more experience. Also, if you leave two Pokemon (one boy and one girl or one undetermined) and they like each other, you'll find an egg.
Unfortunantly you cant go to other regions in Pokemon diamond and pearl. its not like leafgreen,firered,gold,silver and crystal version where you travel to different regions. You can't, Sinnoh is the only region available in the game.
You can't in the normal region. What's bad is that, but what's good is that later in the game you can travel to 7 islands. On 1 of those islands is a daycare center that can raise 2 pokemon. It's worth the patience.
Not regions seen in other games, but you can visit some islands that are introduced in the FireRed and LeafGreen games.
No. It's only one map. Believe me, I've completed it and done everything. I have 9999 Master Balls. If by 'next map', you mean new region to visit or explore, then no. Unfortunately, there is no chance of traveling to the Kanto, Johto or Sinnoh regions in Sapphire or Ruby version. The only Pokemon games that can currently allow you to travel to different regions are Pokemon Gold, Silver and Crystal.
The only region in Pokemon Platinum is Sinnoh (Gen. IV). You can also travel to Reverse World, however it is not considered a region.
yes because in Pokemon HeartGold and SoulSilver you travel to every region.
There is no Action Replay code to travel to different regions or change Sinnoh to any other region.
No sorry
beat the pokemon league then go to snowpoint city. go to the gym and then travel straight down and somewhere aroung there will be a ship. then u can travel to and island that has the hoen kanto and johto region pokemon.
Jubilife City is located in Sinnoh, not Hoenn. Since Pokemon Sapphire takes place in Hoenn, Jubilife City is not accesible. You can buy a copy of Diamond, Pearl or Platinum in which travel through Sinnoh.
you can trade Pokemon with lots of people, if u have the correct id that summons the island, travel towards route 128 and it will appear
You get your very own Pokemon and you travel around the region trying to become the Pokemon League Champion and complete your Pokedex.
If leave Pokemon in the daycare, they level up according to how much you travel. More travel = more experience. Also, if you leave two Pokemon (one boy and one girl or one undetermined) and they like each other, you'll find an egg.
When you beat the Pokemon league, travel to sky pillar. After that there will be mazes so go to the final door and catch rayquaza
You cannot go to a different region in Pokémon Black 2, Unova is the only region that you can travel through.