Yes it can
Music can be transfered from a PS3 to an eclipse mp3 player by transfering your music via USB to your computer, and from the computer via USB to your eclipse mp3 player.
You cannot download games on a mp3 player unless it is designed to be more than just a music player.
Yes, if you turn it off when the pilot tells you to. Hi Yes you can use all those devices just not during take off and landing, when you take off and the seat belt sign has been switched off you can go ahead and use your MP3 player, DVD player, Sony PSP and so on
If your MP3 comes with a USB plug-in cord, plug it into the USB port on the Xbox 360. Good luck, Hi1997
Yes it can
How do you get music on a MP3 player without limewire?
No. The PS2 will not work with any kind of MP3 player in any way.
Yes, you can burn it as mp3's onto a CD or make a audio CD to listen to music on the PlayStation.
It can play mp3, I have mp3 music on mine and it works. Go to Menu > Media > Music Player
Music can be transfered from a PS3 to an eclipse mp3 player by transfering your music via USB to your computer, and from the computer via USB to your eclipse mp3 player.
It is a speaker for mp3 player to play music loud.
No that's why it's called an MP3 player...
An MP3 player is not capable of recording. MP3 players are used to store music and video files, and can be used to play both music and movies.
mp3 player
Its just like a mp3 player but only holds music.
A Sylvania MP3 player uses a USB cable. Connect the cable to a computer or laptop and find music using the PC. Once the music is found it can be directly downloaded into the MP3 player.