

Best Answer

No, you cannot transfer Robux. WRONG i have And With Just Ur Account I can do it!

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Q: Can you transfer robux to your other roblox account?
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Related questions

In roblox why are you not getting your daily robux?

You only get daily Robux if your account is subscribed to Builders Club.

Can you donate robux on roblox to your friends?

You can't. Buy it on their account.

How do you transfer robux to a different account in Roblox?

Offically, there isn't a way to transfer robux to an another account. However, if the account that is going to receive the money has Builder Club, there is a way. First, create a t-shirt and make the price the amount of money that you want to transfer. After that, get the account that is going to give the money to buy that t-shirt. However, note that the account that is going to receive the money will only get 70% of it, because 30% is taken away from Roblox as a marketplace fee.

How do you deleate your account on ROBLOX withoute saying bad words?

Scam roblox with fake robux sites.

How do you get roubox on roblox if your a non member?

Well you would need to have a ROBLOX account to earn robux or tix.

Free robux on roblox?

There is no such thing as free Robux. It is possible to win Robux in official contests, but there is no other way to get it for "free".

How do you hack roblox accounts for robux?

Yeah, just ask the person for their account password

Do you get 100 robux on Roblox when you sign in with a Builders Club account?

When you first sign up, you get 100 robux. After that, you get fifteen daily robux. It doesent matter if you sign in or not, you still get it.

How do you make an new account but keep your clothes on roblox?

So far, this isn't possible. You'd have to be known by the Roblox Staff to be able to transfer clothes from one Roblox Account to another. If you aren't, and you just want your name changed, go to settings and change the Username. To be able to do so, it would cost you 1,000 robux. Hope this was helpful!

How do you trade player points for robux on Roblox?

i need robux


the roblox currency

How much Robux does Roblox have?

About 50 Trillion.