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you can't a GBA link cable can't connect to a DS.

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Q: Can you trade with a link cable on a DS?
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Can you trade Pokemon from a ds game to a gba game with two ds lites and a link cable?


I have two ds' with Pokemon Ruby and Sapphire but i havent got a cable can i trade wireless or not?

No,you need 2 Game Boy Advances And a link cable to trade I thought that when i first got my DS

Can you trade from emerald to Sapphire with ds?

No, because the Nintendo DS does not have the slot for the Game Boy link cable or the wireless thingimadoo.

Do you have to have a cable to trade Pokemon from game to game?

if its on game boy advance you will need a link cable you can get 1 from ebay... if its ds its wireless

Does the gba link cable link a Nintendo DS to the GameCube?

it is a cable that links up to other game boy systems only on multi player games

How you can trade Pokemon of Pokemon Red to Pokemon Diamond?

First you need 2 Nintendo DS. Then you need a link cable. Then you can trade Pokemon!

How do you trade Deoxys from one game to another?

(a.) wireless,aka, Nintendo DS (b.) Link cable,aka, Gameboy

Can you trade Pokemon from Pokemon FireRed to Pokemon FireRed using Nintendo DS?

no you can only trade using a game boy to a game boy with the link cable.

You have two Nintendo dss and both leafgreen and sapphire since both games were out before the ds is it possible to trade with a link cable?


I have two Nintendo DSs and both LeafGreen and Sapphire. Since both games were out before the DS is it possible to trade with out the wireless adaptor and the link cable?

Answer:Using the Dual GBA Slot on a DS, it is impossible to trade between two GBA games as the GBA link cables have no port on the DS, also the DS system's wireless communication is not the same as the GBA's.

How can someone trade Pokemon if they don't have a link cable?

You can't. You need a Link Cable (or Wireless Adapter) to be able to trade.

How do you trade Pokemon through any game with gameboy or ds?

With ds you can wirelessly trade or wifi trade. with gb gbc and gba you have to trade with a cable. To igrate a gba pokemon to a ds game you need to have the gba in the gba slot of a ds lite and the ds game in the ds slot of the ds