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ive heard tht you can trade between the two if you get the Gold Sheild and Silver Sheild from the Battle Dome by winning 50 battles and 100 battles in a row but then again im not sure if it works... ive heard that it works but i havent seen it for sure to confirm it good luck and if you do get the Gold Sheild and all ht tell me if it works

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Q: Can you trade between Gold version and emerald?
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Can emerald version trade with fire red and LeafGreen version?

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Can you trade between Pokemon Heart Gold and Pokemon emerald?

No but you can migrate emerald Pokemon to heartgold

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I assume you mean pokemon FROM gold version, and that you want to trade them to your emerald version. You can't. Emerald is a generation three game whereas Gold is a generation two game. You can only trade Emerald with Ruby, Sapphire, Firered and Leafgreen. Pokemon Gold can only trade with Crystal, Silver, Red, Blue and Yellow. If you mean actual 'Gold' pokemon, then you're talking about shiny pokemon. You need to catch them in the wild (1/+8000, so have fun with that).

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Can u trade pokemon between gold version and leaf green

Can you trade between Pokemon emerald and Pokemon gold?

No, because gold was made for gameboy color, and emerald was made for gameboy advance

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If you can trade Pokemon from crystal version to gold version my guess is yes

How can you get to Kanto in emerald version?

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no. itcould trade with emerald. soul silver and heart gold could trade

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What Pokemon version can trade in Pokemon FireRed?

Well on Fire Red You can trade with Leef Green and only if you get so the sevii islands you can trade with emerald/ruby/sapphire. Also you can trade with pokemon Gold and silver if you get to the sevii islands. Hope i helped!

Where do you get rayqauza in diamond pearl or platnium?

you cant get it in sinnoh you can only get it in Pokemon emerald version, or if you have kyogre in heart gold trade it to soulsilver and you will encounter a rayquaza i don't know where but it will be at level 50 i think. Or you can trade groudon from soulsilver to heart gold and encounter rayquaza